Go Abroad Training Studio:  English Listening Quizzes -  Csoc  Method! 

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“English Listening Quizzes” are based in the "CSOC METHOD“ (Controlled Suppression of Consonants).


It's not a new method to learn English, it is a very useful training tool for you that is already an English speaker but, still have some difficulty to understand English speakers from each part of the world. This method is based on a formula used by sound system engineers to define the consonants loss in acoustical spaces.
Why this way?


Class room listening and talking one another in a good acoustic environment it’s easy, but when it comes to understand in the real world, with:  words slurring (relaxed pronunciation), mumbling (lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth), noises, cold, warm, windy weather, synthetic  voices, and so on, that is a total different issue.
This method helps you to train your mind in order not to block the comprehension in adverse situations!


This method uses 3 levels of consonants loss:


-Level Zero(L0) – No loss. 

-Level One (L1) – Approximately 15% of consonants loss.

-Level Two (L2) – Approximately 25% of consonants loss.






Linguistics Specialist - Áurea Teresa Tomio, for her assistance.

Captain - Douglas Emilio Schiavon, for his technical assistance.


Bibliographical References:


1- Sound System Engineering – Don and Carolyn Davis, Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc.

2- Airspeak – Fiona A. Robertson – Centre of Applied Linguistics, University of France, Comté, France. Third impression 2011

3- Aviation – Henry Emery & Andy Roberts. Audio CD – Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2008.